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Teeth Stains vs Teeth Cavities- How can we tell the difference?

Teeth Stains vs Teeth Cavities- How can we tell the difference?

Have you ever noticed your morning coffee leaving a mark on your smile, or felt a sharp twinge when biting into something sweet? Do you find yourself wondering if that dark spot on your tooth is just a stain or something more serious, like a cavity? Maybe you’ve tried brushing it away, but it doesn’t budge. Stains can be frustrating, but cavities are a deeper issue that can lead to tooth decay.

Every day, our teeth face challenges from what we eat, drink, and even our daily habits. So, how do you tell the difference and know when to see a dentist?

The expert dentist at House of Dontics will help you by giving insights on Teeth Stains vs Cavities and ways to fix both. Continue reading!


Teeth Stains

Teeth stains are teeth surface discolorations that can make your smile look less bright. From light yellow to as dark as brown or black, they can be mild or severe. Teeth stains occur when you eat foods and drinks like coffee, tea, red wine, and berries. Smoking or using tobacco products can also cause them. Some medicines, like antibiotics or antidepressants, can lead to stains.

You can have two types of tooth stains

1. Extrinsic stains occur on the tooth surface, caused due to eating certain foods and drinks.

2. Intrinsic stains come from inside the tooth, due to things like some medicines, injury, or aging.

Teeth Cavities

Teeth Cavities are areas of tooth decay. They result when bacteria break down enamel. You see holes and teeth damage. Cavities, or tooth decay, are a common dental issue that can cause significant problems if you ignore them or don't get them treated timely. Do you know how you can identify them? Read further.

At first, tooth decay might not be easy to spot. But as it becomes severe, you might feel pain when eating hot or cold foods. Teeth sensitivity it is! You might also see your tooth getting stained or feel toothache. It's better to timely go for a dentist visit because toothache is a real and troubling problem. It's often unbearable. If treated on time, you can stop the decay before it gets worse.

Teeth Stains vs Teeth Cavities

Let's get to the difference- Teeth Stains vs Cavities. Both are dental issues but they are different. Knowing how they differ can help you deal with them better.

Teeth Stains vs. Tooth Cavities

As we told you, Teeth stains are marks on your tooth surface due to overuse of coffee, tea, red wine, or tobacco. These stains don't go deep into the tooth and the approach to their treatment is different. Cavities are serious damage to your tooth's hard surface. When mouth bacteria make acids that eat away the tooth enamel, you find holes in the tooth.

Also, these stains don't directly cause cavities. But, if you do not clean your teeth well, you invite stains and cavities. If you don't clean your teeth right, stains can become deep and make your teeth prone to decay.

Teeth Stains and Cavities Difference

  • Teeth stains are marks on the teeth's surface, while cavities are deep damage to the tooth.
  • Stains don't go deep into the tooth, but cavities make holes in the enamel.
  • Stains come from things you eat and do, while cavities are from bacteria and acids.
  • Stains can be cleaned off with one approach, but cavities need treatment based on the reason to fix them.

Can teeth stains turn into cavities?

Many of you all ask this. Teeth stains and cavities are not the same, but they can connect. When you have cavities, you may find tooth stains too. If you don't fix teeth stains, they do bad to your oral health. Your teeth become weak and the chances of cavities occuring on weak teeth are high.

How can you prevent tooth stains and cavities?

You read well about Teeth Stains vs Cavities. But what next? Firstly, take prevention. And then, for a permanent solution- go for a treatment. To stop tooth stains and cavities, keep up with good oral hygiene. Brush and floss daily, use mouthwash, and see your dentist regularly. Eating less staining foods and avoiding tobacco helps too.

Teeth Stains vs Cavities Treatment

How can you treat teeth stains?

For mild stains, you can try home remedies like whitening toothpaste, baking soda, or hydrogen peroxide. For tough stains, you might need a dentist for professional whitening or cleaning. Teeth Whitening helps remove yellowness and gives you bright white teeth. The Teeth Cleaning process removes plaque and eventually makes your teeth rid of stains!

How can you treat teeth cavities?

Teeth cavities need professional treatment. You can't get a permanent solution at home. Treatment is based on how bad the cavity is. For small cavities, a simple filling might be enough.

For bigger teeth cavities, a root canal might be needed where the dentist removes infected pulp inside the tooth and seals it. In the worst cases, the tooth might need to be removed. Then, you might get a dental implant or bridge. But remember, both problems are treatable.

Have you understood Teeth Stains vs Cavities? Now, don’t let yourself wonder or overthink whether that spot on your tooth is a harmless stain or something more serious like a cavity. Your oral health is too important to leave to guesswork. Instead of worrying, it's time for you to consult us for a professional evaluation. House of Dontics is always eager to help you so that your smile stays healthy. Reach out to us today.